Wim Buyse: I started in 1980 as independent subcontractor in sculpture techniques in the service of foundries and artists.
During those years I specialised in the 'lost wax' - technique, always supported by the many artists whom appreciated their work being produced in the right way.
So I have been able, with respect for the tradition of the bronze casting, to perfect myself in
different techniques like mould making, producing wax models, bronze casting, chiseling the bronze, and last but not least the patination.
Due to many different artists and their diverse visions on the end result, I’ve been able to work up a unique collection of patinas and I’m being considered as 'maître patineur. Thanks to them, because without their passion, my passion wouldn’t exist either.

During the last years, my son Bram, has taken over and is developing the business into a young and dynamic 'entreprise'.
Since 2013, Jonas joined the team assisting in various aspects of the job, as well as Karel for the wax and polyester, Joris for the polyester, Madelief for wax retouching, Veronique in the patination, Lode for the chasing and Sara in administration.
Later on Mohammad (chasing), Steven (polyester), Sebastiaan (chasing), Klaas (mould making), Benny (wax), Catherine (patina), Cedric (chasing) and Sara (wax retouching) joined the company.
In 2020 we bought a robot for the 3D department, controlled by Robbe.
As partners we want to give the necessary support to every artist and this we do in our workplace in Zottegem. Feel free to contact us so we can convince you of the quality we have to offer.